As an Intuitive, I have Some thoughts about the next week with the dynamics of 6 planets in retrograde (as of Monday) New Moon Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice all happening this weekend.
👉This is a (0) zero point change and plays out as emotions and feelings urge us to turn away from the old ways not working- even though a new way isn't presented yet. This energy supports us, so stay present, grounded and connected to your heart as much as possible. 💚
The more you go "in" During the next week especially and find reverance with your own nature, the easier and better you will ride the waves. This is going to be a big clearing of our ancestral wounds and old patterns but it's also on the global level so we will feel and see this all around us. Let the old clear, do not grasp for what is collapsing The Divine energy is supporting us.
Feel the highest truth in yourself. what does your joy being played out look like? feel into that. Meditate, Journal, contemplate.. The cleansing is happening for us to see these things and to grow in our heart wisdom. Align with Your True light, Your truth of highest possibility over the next week. Remember you are NOT the difficulties that may come over the next week, you are here to resolve the old and allow the New in you to emerge. ✌ Much love and appreciation to you and The Divine in each of us...