The truth of your true being and in fact of ultimate truth cannot be expressed or described by words. Words have definitions and to define requires duality since to define is to separate that which is being defined from all else. True being is not dualistic so it cannot be described in words or thoughts which are confined by language. It is why the painters and poets and artists of all description employ their gift to evoke a resonance in or souls that glimpses the indefineability of being. So to attempt to describe to anyone what they are seeking is folly. Without a clearly defined goal seeking becomes futile. Hence the paradox that to find you must surrender seeking and only remove the barriers that prevent enlightenment from finding you in the stillness of your emptiness. It yearns to bring you to the "promised land".
But don't be discouraged in your pursuit of enlightenment for in the infinite compassion of the universal truth it is given that as you progress along your path and the distortions and traumas that create your separation are removed there is also the progression of peace and joy in your life and the validation of your purpose.
Ram D'am
